False Positive Identification in Intrusion Detection Using XAI
Intrusion detection, machine learning, explainability, XAI, false positive rateAbstract
With the increase in the use of the Internet to access sensitive data, intrusion detection has become an essential security measure. The evolution that took place in Artificial Intelligence in the last decades, notably in Machine Learning techniques, combined with the availability of network traffic datasets, opened a vast field for research and development in Intrusion Detection Systems based on anomalies. Published studies on this subject, nonetheless, are unanimous in stating that this type of detection is more prone to the occurrence of false positives. In order to mitigate this problem, we propose a more effective method of identifying them, compared to using only the algorithm’s confidence. For this, we hypothesize that the relevance given by the algorithm to certain attributes may be related to whether the detection is true or false. The method consists, therefore, in obtaining these features relevance through eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and, together with a confidence measure, identifying detections that are more likely to be false. By using the LYCOS-IDS2017 dataset, it is possible to eliminate more than 65% of the total false positives, with a loss of only 0.38% of true positives. Conversely, by using only a confidence measure, the elimination of false positives is approximately just 50%, with a loss of 0.42% of true positives.
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