Payments and Fees

IEEE Latin America Transactions does not require any article processing charges (APCs) associated with publishing your article.  However, the number of pages per article is limited,  you may choose to exceed the page limit by paying overlength page charges since May 1st, 2021. If you choose to exceed the page limit, you will receive an invoice after the payment.

As stated in  Section "Instructions for authors", the maximum number of pages for initial submissions is 9 pages and the maximum number of pages after revisions is 12 pages. Articles exceeding 7 pages are considered overlength and must pay a unique overlength page fee of US$250, upon acceptance.  

In this case, along with the acceptance of the paper, you will receive an email requesting your payment via PayPal. No other payment options are available. You will have up to 7 days to make the payment.

If you have further questions regarding the payments, please contact Gustavo Juarez,