SALUS: A Model for Educational Assistance in Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases
Diseases, Learning, Ubiquitous Computing, ContextAbstract
Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, meaning 41 million people die each year. Actions for the prevention and monitoring of NCDs should be promoted through the use of ubiquitous computing technologies to provide health education to individuals. Through ubiquitous computing it is possible to integrate technologies into their daily life. In turn, ubiquitous learning makes possible the integration of the individual with their context, helping in continuous and contextualized learning. In this sense, this paper presents SALUS, a computational model that uses context histories of individuals as a mechanism to assist in the prevention and monitoring of NCDs. The model explores elements of the context of individuals that are used in the composition of context histories. In addition, the analysis of context histories is used to deliver useful information for the individuals. The evaluation was conducted through prototype to assess the correctness of the content and place recommendations indicated by the model. A public database containing data from, 4239 individuals was used in the evaluation, with results showing an occurrence of 28.8% (content recommendation) and 25.4% (place recommendation) with ranges between high (score >60 and ≤80) and very high (score >80). The results obtained from the analysis of context histories indicated that SALUS can support educational assistance in NCDs
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