GPU-BRKGA: A GPU accelerated library for optimization using the biased random-key genetic algorithm



Genetic Algorithms, Optimization, GPU, Metaheuristics


This paper presents a CUDA/C++ library, called GPU-BRKGA, for accelerating the biased random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA). Our library features an easy to use API that allows designers with little experience in GPU development to accelerate the solution of their optimization problems. It automatically handles the problem-independent modules of BRKGA, and leaves the designer in charge with only the decoding procedure, that is, to convert a random-key vector into a solution to the optimization problem. We compared our solution with two other BRKGA API implementations: the standard CPU-based BRKGA API implementation (brkgaAPI) and another GPU-based BRKGA API from the literature (brkgaCuda). Experimental results show that GPU-BRKGA is up to 28x faster than brkgaAPI and up to 3x faster than brkgaCuda.


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Author Biographies

Derek Alves, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Derek Alves is an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering at Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL). His interests include parallel programming, genetic algorithms and optimization. He is also a member of the Optimization Laboratory (OptLab) based at Instituto de Computação (IC - UFAL).

Davi Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Davi R. C. Oliveira is an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering at UFAL. He is a member of the Optimization Laboratory at the IC - UFAL. His interests include programming and optimization.

Ermeson Andrade, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Ermeson Andrade is an associate professor at the Department of Computing at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Brazil. From 2015 to 2016, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands. In March 2014, he finished his PhD degree in Computer Science at Federal University of Pernambuco. His research interest is focused in Performance, Dependability, Critical infrastructure, Data science and Modeling.

Bruno Nogueira, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Bruno Nogueira is an assistant professor at the Institute of Computing at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil. He obtained his BSc (2009), MSc (2010), PhD (2015) in computer science from Federal University of Pernambuco. His research interests are focused in Optimization, Performance and dependability evaluation, and High-performance computing.


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How to Cite

Alves, D., Oliveira, D., Andrade, E., & Nogueira, B. (2021). GPU-BRKGA: A GPU accelerated library for optimization using the biased random-key genetic algorithm. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 20(1), 14–21. Retrieved from