Robust Control Using a H∞ Mixed Sensitivity Approach for an UAV with a Suspended Payload
robust control, UAV, Unmanned aerial vehicle, multibody dynamics, H infinityAbstract
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly being utilized in a wide range of applications, including military operations, agronomy, and delivery services, among others. These applications often require load transportation missions which are executed by the UAV, that can be executed by the UAV, a link, and its payload. The UAV with its suspended load is a kind of highly coupled system where good performance and stability are required despite disturbances and model uncertainties. In this work, we present an H∞ robust control design for this system. The desired controller is synthesized to achieve suboptimal robustness in terms of performance and stability. Simulation results demonstrate robustness against disturbances and model uncertainties. In terms of performance, this control system shows up to a 50% reduction in load oscillations compared to alternative controllers, such as the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR).
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