Through the Youth Eyes: Training Depression Detection Algorithms with Eye Tracking Data



Machine Learning, Affective Computing, Emotion in human-computer interaction, Biometrics


Depression is a prevalent mental health disorder, and early detection is crucial for effective intervention. Recent advancements in eye-tracking technology and machine learning offer new opportunities for non-invasive diagnosis. This study aims to assess the performance of different machine learning algorithms in. predicting depression in a young sample using eye-tracking metrics. Eye-tracking data from 139 participants were recorded with an emotional induction paradigm in which each participant observed a set of positive and negative emotional stimuli. The data were analyzed to find differences between groups, where the most significant features were selected to train prediction models. The dataset was then split into training and testing sets using stratified sampling. Four algorithms—support vector machines (SVM), random forest (RF), a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network, and gradient boosting (GB)—were trained with hyperparameter optimization and 5-fold cross-validation. The RF algorithm achieved the highest accuracy at 84%, followed by SVM, GB, and the MLP neural network. Performance metrics such as accuracy, recall, F1-score, precision recall area under the curve (PR-AUC), and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) were also used to evaluate the models. The findings suggest that eye-tracking metrics combined with machine learning algorithms can effectively identify depressive symptoms in the young, indicating their potential as non-invasive diagnostic tools in clinical settings.


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Author Biographies

Derick Axel Lagunes-Ramírez, TecNM/CENIDET

Derick A. Lagunes-Ramírez, received his Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technologies, from the Technological University Emiliano Zapata, Emiliano Zapata (UTEZ), Morelos, Mexico in 2018. The Master’s Degree in Computer Sciences, in 2020 from National Center for Technological Research and Development (TecNM/CENIDET), Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. His studies are funded by the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONAHCYT). He is currently a Ph.D. student at TecNM/CENIDET and a teacher in UTEZ Emiliano Zapata, Morelos, Mexico. His research fields include Affective computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Eye tracking, User Experience, and Emotion recognition.

Gabriel González-Serna, TecNM/CENIDET

Gabriel González-Serna, is a computer Systems Engineer who graduated from the Technological Institute of Acapulco (TecNM/ITA), Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero, México in 1992. He received his Master’s Degree in Computer Sciences from the National Center for Technological Research and Development (TecNM/CENIDET), Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico in 1995. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences from the National Polytechnic Institute (CIC-IPN), Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico in 2006. He joined TecNM/CENIDET as a researcher in the Intelligent Hybrid Systems area in 1992. From 1995 to date, he has worked as a Professor-Researcher for the Department of Computational Sciences at TecNM/CENIDET. Dr. González-Serna is a member of CONACyT’s National System of Researchers at level I (SNI I). He is a member of review committees for journals and conferences in engineering and computer science.

Leonor Rivera-Rivera, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública

Leonor Rivera-Rivera is a Medical Surgeon who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nayarit. She received her Master's Degree in Health Sciences in Reproductive Health at the National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, and her Ph.D. in Psychology and Health from the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, Mexico. She is a researcher in Medical Sciences at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico. She has led several research projects, and her scientific publications cover topics such as violence against women, dating violence, depressive symptomatology, suicidal behavior, sexual abuse, reproductive health, mental health, and addiction issues. Dr. Rivera is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI II) of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONAHCYT).

Nimrod González-Franco, TecNM/CENIDET

Nimrod González-Franco, received a Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2017 from National Center for Technological Research and Development (TecNM/CENIDET), Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. He joined the TecNM/CENIDET, Cuernavaca, Mexico as a research professor in the Intelligent Hybrid Systems area in 2019. His research areas include brain-computer interface systems and machine learning.

María Y. Hernández-Pérez, TecNM/CENIDET

María Y. Hernández-Pérez, received a PhD degree in Computer Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Cuernavaca, Mexico; she received a ScM in Computer Sciences from the Cenidet, Cuernavaca, Mexico; and she received a Bs in Computer Systems from the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero, Madero, Mexico. As part of her PhD, she did a research stay at the University of British Columbia, UBC, in Vancouver, Canada. She is a professor at the National Center of Research and Technological Development, TecNM/CENIDET, in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Dr. Hernández is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of Mexico, the Researchers System of Morelos State (SEI), the Mexican Society of Computer Science (SMCC), Mexican Society of Computing (Amexcomp), Mexican Association of Natural Language Processing (AMPLN), and the Artificial Intelligence Mexican Society (SMIA).

José A. Reyes-Ortiz, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

José Alejandro Reyes-Ortiz, received his Master's degree in Computer Science from the National Center for Research and Technological Development, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico (2008), and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the National Center for Research and Technological Development, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico (2013). He is a full-time professor in the Systems Department at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Azcapotzalco. He is currently the Head of the Systems Department at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Azcapotzalco. His research interests include knowledge representation, natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning.


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How to Cite

Lagunes-Ramírez, D. A., González-Serna, G., Rivera-Rivera, L., González-Franco, N., Hernández-Pérez, M. Y., & Reyes-Ortiz, J. A. (2024). Through the Youth Eyes: Training Depression Detection Algorithms with Eye Tracking Data. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 23(1), 6–16. Retrieved from

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