Impact of the Extreme Operating Gusts on Power Converter Connected to PMSG-based Wind Turbine for Reliability Analysis
Back-to-back power converter, Extreme operating gust, Factorial design, Low wind turbines, Reliability analysisAbstract
In this paper, a reliability analysis to determinate the most preponderant negative effect between the amplitude and intensity of Extreme Operating Gust (EOG) in back-to-back (BTB) power converter connected to PMSG-based wind turbine is proposed. For this, a 4^2 factorial design is proposed to analyze the impact of amplitude and intensity of the EOG gust on the electrical variables measured at the BTB power converter such as the current, voltage and active power. Note that for this analysis the La Ventosa wind database allocated in Oaxaca, Mexico is considered. The simulation of this system was developed using the capabilities of the PSIM® software. Finally, the results of the reliability analysis are presented, determining the factor with the greatest impact on the reliability of the BTB power converter.
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