Model–based Validation of Grid–connected DFIG–based Wind Turbine for Harmonic and Inter–harmonic Analysis
DFIG, Harmonic and inter-harmonic analysis, back-to-back power converterAbstract
Nowadays, the electricity generation study through wind resources is of great importance, because it is presented as a solution to reduce environmental pollution by replacing electrical systems based on conventional generation with clean energy. However, the increasing problems associated with power quality must be considered, mainly harmonic distortion, derived from the interconnection of wind turbines with the electrical grid, and even more because of their included power electronics converters. Therefore, in this article a DFIG–based wind turbine model connected to the electrical grid for harmonic and inter–harmonic analysis is developed. The proposed model is validated with a low–power experimental prototype (175 W and 3 kW). Both, simulation and experimental results agree with the analytical results
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