Simplified SEP Approximations of Coherent Digital Modulation Schemes over \alpha-\kappa-\mu Fading Channel



wireless communication, approixmation theory, Gaussian Q function, symbol error rate, bit error rate, digital modulation schemes, multipath fading, $\alpha-\kappa-\mu$ fading, performance analysis and bounds


In this paper, we propose novel, simplified yet tight approximations of the error probability expressions of numerous digital modulation schemes over a popular \alpha-\kappa-\mu fading channel. With the help of a suitable approximation of the Gaussian Q-function and utilization of Taylor's series expansion, we facilitate the cumbersome integrals which play a key role in simplification of the performance evaluation metrics like symbol error probability (SEP) of various digital modulation schemes. This facilitates cost effective receiver's design making the overall system economically viable. We further illustrate the accuracy of the proposed SEP expressions with the help of the relative error. An insight on the truncation error (and its upper bound) is also highlighted in this paper. We also compute the relative error in the upper bound of the truncation error to further justify the accuracy of the proposed integrals. Moreover, the asymptotic expressions for the integrals are also provided which gives an idea regarding diversity order of the wireless communication systems for large signal to noise ratios.


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Author Biographies

Shreya Tated, Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, Ahmedabad

Shreya Tated is a B.Tech degree holder in Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahmedabad, India. She is passionate about research in wireless communication. Her focus lies in the sustainable performance analysis of various fading channels and Information Theory. She actively engages in initiatives promoting eco-friendly practices within the community of the said Institute. Alongside her research endeavors, she is dedicated to fostering a sustainable mindset, contributing to the overall ethos of responsible engineering.

Garv Anand, Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, Ahmedabad

GARV ANAND is a BTech student in Electrical Engineering from IITRAM, Ahmedabad, India. His areas of interest include Data Analytics, Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and Digital Signal Processing. He has an inclination in making wireless communication more viable.

Dharmendra Sadhwani, Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, Ahmedabad

DHARMENDRA SADHWANI is an Assistant professor in Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahmedabad, India. His research interests include the study of wireless communication systems over AWGN and fading channels, application of machine learning in approximating the Gaussian Q-function, active re-configurable intelligent surfaces, and cognitive radios.


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How to Cite

Tated, S., Anand, G., & Sadhwani, D. (2024). Simplified SEP Approximations of Coherent Digital Modulation Schemes over \alpha-\kappa-\mu Fading Channel. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(7), 566–573. Retrieved from