Enhancing Axial Ratio Bandwidth of Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GSM Application



Dual Band, NFRP patch, Microstrip patch antenna, Circular polarization, GSM


The paper objective is to designed circular polarized microstrip patch antenna and enhancing axial ratio bandwidth with improved impedance bandwidth. An antenna is designed using stacking method. The design of the antenna is achieved using two slots on the main radiating patch and one cross slot on the near field resonating parasitic patch (NFRP). The NFRP patch is positioned below the main radiating patch at some height. The structure is called modified Hilbert shaped antenna. A slots methodology on patches is used for the attainment of wider bandwidth. Improvement of the axial ratio bandwidth of an antenna is achieved by the introduction of NFRP patch. The antenna that has been designed is resonated at frequencies 900 MHz and 1890 MHz, covering two bands i.e. (725-990) MHz & (1800-1920) MHz with a return loss of -25 dB. Impedance bandwidths are obtained 265 MHz and 120 MHz at these frequencies.  Furthermore, bands are covered by a 3-dB axial ratio of (800–950) MHz and (1720-1920) MHz. The percentage axial ratio bandwidths are obtained 17.14% and 10.98% over the operating bands. An average gain and radiation efficiency is reported 6.7 dBi and 84% for the antenna. The size of the antenna is calculated 0.36λ0×0.42λ0 ×0.042λ0. In summery the antenna is described as a dual-band, circular polarized with a stable gain and wider axial ratio bandwidth, deemed suitable for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) applications.


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Author Biographies

Pooja Sahoo, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science

Pooja Sahoo is pursuing Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering from MITS, Gwalior, India. She has published 15 papers in various national and international journals and IEEE conferences. Her research interests span over the fields of Electronics and antenna designing.

Pramod K. Singhal, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science

Dr. Pramod K. Singhal is a professor in the department of Electronics Engineering at MITS Gwalior M.P., India. He has more than 28 years teaching, research and development in diversified areas of Electronics Engineering. He has published 150 research papers in international and national journals and conferences including IEEE Transaction, SCI, ESCI, SCOPUS etc. His interest includes research and teaching in microwave engineering and RF antennas.

Karuna Markam, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science

Dr. Karuna Markam is working as an assistant professor in the department of Electronics Engineering at MITS Gwalior M.P., India..  She did M. Tech in Digital Communication from MANIT Bhopal and PhD from Barkatullah University Bhopal India. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience. She published more than 40 papers in various national and international journals and conferences in the field of Electronics.


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How to Cite

Sahoo, P., Singhal, P. K. ., & Markam, K. . (2024). Enhancing Axial Ratio Bandwidth of Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GSM Application. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(4), 352–360. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/8610


