Performance Enhancement of Reduced Component Multilevel Inverter with Optimal Placement of Level Shifter



Level shifter, multilevel inverter, power loss, total blocking voltage


Multi-Level Inverter (MLI) with and without cross-connecting switches is constructed using bi-directional and uni-directional switches and their performances are verified via a real-time experimentation. Here, a cross connecting switch inverter (CCSI) is constructed and then cross connecting switches in CCSI are removed for the modified inverter (MMLI) with reduction of switches. Further, the CCSI and MMLI configuration is studied with the identification of optimal placement of the level shifter circuit in the basic unit and different types of procedures for the design of voltage sources that are used in the inverter to enhance the performance is proposed. The best method of defining the value of voltage sources among the proposed nine different algorithms a 31-level CCSI, a 49 level and 71 level MMLI are designed and tested experimentally. Efficiency, total blocking voltage, harmonic presence, real and reactive powers are obtained for the proposed converters to study their performance. Finally, a comparative analysis is made for the proposed structure against the other MLI in-term of switch count, ‘ON’ state switches, voltage sources and efficiency.


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Author Biographies

VIJAYARAJA L, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology

Vijayaraja L (Member in IEEE) was born on May 30, 1983 and in 2023 from Anna University in Chennai, India, where he earned his Ph.D. He is currently employed by Sri Sairam Institute of Technology in Chennai, India, as an Associate Professor. Electric vehicles, power converter and inverter designs, renewable energy sources are among his research interests. More than 50 of his research papers have been published in academic journals, conferences held abroad, and technical book series. Also, he has more than 5 patents in his area of study.

Ganesh Kumar S, College of Engineering Gunidy, Anna University

Ganesh Kumar (Member in IEEE) is presently working as Professor in the Department of EEE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India. He actively involved in the field of multilevel inverters and control of power converters. He has published 29 journals, 32 conference papers and 3 patents.

Marco Rivera, University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK and with the Laboratory on Energy Conversion and Power Electronics (LCEEP), Universidad de Talca, Curicó

Prof.-Dr. Marco Rivera received his PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Mara. The Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile, presented Prof.-Dr. Marco Rivera with the "Premio Tesis de Doctorado Academia Chilena de Ciencias 2012" for the best PhD Thesis created in 2011 for national and international students in any exact or natural sciences program.  He is the Director of the Energy Conversion and Power Electronics Laboratory (Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, LCEEP) at the University of Talca in Chile. At the Universidad de Talca's Electrical Engineering Department, he held the title of full professor. He has been a Professor at the University of Nottingham's Power Electronics and Machine Centre since April 2023. He has approximately 500 scholarly articles published in prestigious international journals and conferences.

Ebrahim Babaei , University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran and Engg Faculty, Near East University, 99138 Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey

The University of Tabriz in Tabriz, Iran, awarded Ebrahim Babaei (Senior Member, IEEE) a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 2007. He has written or co-written one book, as well as more than 560 journal and conference publications. In the field of power electronics, he is the holder of 26 patents. His areas of interest in study include renewable energy sources, FACTS Devices, and the analysis, modeling, design, and control of power electronics converters and their applications. Dr. Babaei has served as Editor-in-Chief of the University of Tabriz's Journal of Electrical Engineering since 2013. His current positions include Associate Editor for the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions of Electrical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society. He received the University of Tabriz's Best Researcher Award a number of times. Additionally, he received the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award. Since 2015, Dr. Babaei has earned a spot on Thomson Reuters' ranking of the Top One Percent of the World's Scientists and Academics.


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How to Cite

L, V., S, G. K., Rivera, M. ., & Babaei , E. (2024). Performance Enhancement of Reduced Component Multilevel Inverter with Optimal Placement of Level Shifter. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(6), 502–511. Retrieved from



Electric Energy