A Review of Real Time Digital Simulations: Theory and Applications for the Energy Transition



Digital Real Time Simulation, Power Hardware-in-the loop., Real Time Simulation


The arrival of the energy transition to the global electricity scene has led to the implementation of new technologies in power systems and modified the way that the energy is generated, distributed and consumed. The analysis of the operation and the consequences of the inclusion of new technologies become a very important topic in the studies carried out by the utilities. Real-Time Digital Simulators (RTDS) have become a powerful modeling tool that allow to analyze power system models with a high level of fidelity, permitting to anticipate problems and the assessment of solution strategies. Due to the increase in the use of this technology and considering that there are no review articles on RTDS applications written in Spanish, this paper presents an explanation of the characteristics of RTDS along with an updated state of the art related to applications in Energy Transition as a theoretical framework with a large amount of information collected for future researches in Latin America.


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Author Biographies

Luis Felipe Gaitán Cubides, Ingenieria Especializada IEB S.A.

Luis Felipe Gaitán Cubides received his B.Sc. from the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. He is currently working toward the M.Eng. degree in Transmission and Distribution Systems from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Currently he is a Design Engineer in the protection studies area at Ingenieria Especializada IEB S.A. His major research is the protection of electrical power systems with distributed generators of Non-Conventional Sources of Renewable Energy.

Jorge Wilson González Sánchez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Electrical Eng., MSc. and PhD. Professor at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia in Electrical Eng. Faculty. Formerly, he was with HMV Consulting, Siemens PTD Germany and for Utility EPM. He was researcher at Univ. Kempten and Power Systems Inst. Erlangen Univ. Germany. His research activities include protective relaying, optimization, power systems, HVDC, FACTS, substations and renewable energies.

Luis Alfonso Giraldo Velazquez, Ingenieria Especializada IEB S.A.

Electrical Eng., MEconSc at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. IEEE Senior Member. Technical advisor at Ingenieria Especializada IEB S.A.  Formerly, he was with Baltimore Gas & Electric. His professional experience focuses on studies and tests on electrical protective equipment. He is currently developing studies and tests with Real Time Digital Simulations - RTDS.


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How to Cite

Gaitán Cubides, L. F., González Sánchez, J. W., & Giraldo Velazquez, L. A. (2022). A Review of Real Time Digital Simulations: Theory and Applications for the Energy Transition. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 20(10), 2295–2307. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/6885



Electric Energy