Optimization of Reclosers Placement in Distribution Networks to Improve Service Quality Indices
Recloser, Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), Service quality indicators, SAIDI, SAIFI, Distribution systemAbstract
The fundamental goal of an electric utility is to provide the power supply in the most reliable and economical way. However, the components of a power distribution system are exposed to faults, or service outages, which in some cases may cause the disconnection of one or more customers of the distribution system. In order to reduce the duration of faults and improve service quality indices in power networks, utilities have installed protection devices, such as reclosers, in appropriate locations in the power distribution networks, due to its ability of coordination with other device and the radial characteristics of distribution system. In addition, the recloser can clear temporary faults and isolate failed feeders without interrupting the service of the whole circuit. This paper presents a methodology for optimization of reclosers placement in distribution networks. A mathematical model of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) is used, with the purpose to minimize the SAIDI or SAIFI quality indices. For the model, an objective function is defined, with its respective restrictions to obtain the appropriate locations. This objective function is run in the GAMS software to model and solve optimization problems. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated on a test system and in a conventional real distribution system.
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