Polarization in the forest bioelectricity generation in Brazil


  • Edvaldo Pereira Santos Junior Federal University of Pernambuco (Universidade Federal da Pernambuco), Recife, Pernambuco, 50740-540, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1316-2247
  • Anna Manuella Melo Nunes Federal University of Paraiba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), João Pessoa, Paraíba, 58051-900, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2762-9330
  • Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior Federal University of Paraiba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), João Pessoa, Paraíba, 58051-900, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5528-7799


Bioenergy, Forest biomass, Bipolarization, Multigroup polarization


The expansion of forest bioelectricity is associated with the insertion of the bioeconomy, providing efficiency gains and improving the use of resources. This paper analyzed the polarization of forest bioelectricity generation in Brazil, between 2000 and 2019. The data used were from the granting of forest biomass thermoelectric plants obtained from the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). To measure the polarization, the Lorenz curve, the polarization measures of Foster and Wolfson (PFW) and Esteban and Ray (PER). were used. The main results showed that the use of Brazilian forest bioelectricity increased from 562.90 MW and 11 thermoelectric plants in 2000 to 3,532.61 MW and 115 thermoelectric plants in 2019. For the regional level, there was a decrease for PFW and PER, being the greater polarization in the period from 2002 to 2008, where it highlighted the Southeast region as the main player. There was an increase in state polarization (PFWavg. = 0.3002 and PER(1.6)avg. = 0.1530), as a result of the granting of large black liquor plants in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná, as of 2013. For level 2 sources, the domain of black liquor and forest residues was registered over the national supply, leading to the existence of hubs (PFWavg. = 0.5349 and PER(1.6)avg. = 0.1870). The polarization proved to be relevant to the object of study, being its unprecedented application for energy analysis in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Edvaldo Pereira Santos Junior, Federal University of Pernambuco (Universidade Federal da Pernambuco), Recife, Pernambuco, 50740-540, Brazil

Graduated in Economic Sciences (2001) from the University of Vila Velha (UVV), master's degree (2004) and doctorate (2010) in forestry engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Since 2013 he has been a Professor in the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, at the Center for Alternative and Renewable Energies, at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). He has experience in the field of Applied Economics, working mainly on the following themes: forest economics, sustainable development and renewable energies, with an emphasis on bioenergy.

Anna Manuella Melo Nunes, Federal University of Paraiba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), João Pessoa, Paraíba, 58051-900, Brazil

Graduated in Law (2006) from Faculdade Estácio do Recife, with a professional specialization in Energy Law (2015) from the Brazilian Institute of Energy Law - IBDE/SP. Master in Renewable Energies (2021) from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Since 2011, he has worked in companies in the electrical sector. He has experience in the area of energy law, with experience in the business, regulatory and environmental areas of the distribution, generation and transmission sector.

Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior, Federal University of Paraiba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), João Pessoa, Paraíba, 58051-900, Brazil

Graduated in Economic Sciences (2001) from the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Master's (2004) and Ph.D. (2010) in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Since 2013 he has been a Professor at the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, at the Center for Alternative and Renewable Energy, at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). He has experience in the area of Applied Economics, working mainly on the following topics: Bioeconomy, circular economy, regional and spatial economy, renewable energies and energy use, with an emphasis on bioenergy.


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How to Cite

Santos Junior, E. . P., Nunes, A. M. M., & Coelho Junior, L. M. (2023). Polarization in the forest bioelectricity generation in Brazil. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 21(4), 573–578. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/6634



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