Concentration and Clusters of Black Liquor Thermoelectric Plants in Brazil
Concentration indicators, Energy economy, Forest Economy, Regional and spatial studiesAbstract
This paper analyzed the concentration and conglomerates of black liquor thermoelectric plants in Brazil, in 2018. Data from the generation information system of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) were used. Concentration was measured using the Concentration Ratio [CR(k)], Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), Theil Entropy (E) and the Gini Coefficient (G) and the conglomerates with the scan statistics. The results showed the southern region with the largest number of thermoelectric plants and installed power. The state concentration of thermoelectric plants and the installed power for the CR(k) was moderately high to very high, inferring an oligopolistic market structure. In turn, the HHI and E indices inferred an atomized market. Among the participating companies, the CR(k) and G indicators showed trends in concentration, while HHI and E indicated to an atomized market. Four conglomerates were identified, two for the number of thermoelectric plants and two for installed power. High supply potential was noted in the south of the country and in the south of the northeast region. This research showed way the distribution of bioelectricity supply of black liquor in Brazil. The identification of concentration and conglomerates showed that the offer was associated with the industrial complexes of cellulose and paper, from cogeneration with residual black liquor; which can indicate to investors the importance of this practice and the most relevant location for installation, contributing to the increase of distributed generation and diversification of the national electrical matrix.
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