Fusion of Sentinel 1 and Alos Palsar Data to Separate Palm Oil Plantations from Forest Cover Mapping using Pauli Decomposition Approach
SAR, PolSAR, NDFI, Decomposition, Forest Mapping, Landsat.Abstract
In this work, a multi-sensor approach to extract misclassified oil palm plantations from forest cover map using a modified Pauli Decomposition technique is presented. The proposed method includes the generation of a primary forest cover map built using a Landsat-based Normalized Difference Fraction Index, and then the palm oil plantation is filtered out using scattering mechanisms through the Modified Pauli Decomposition technique based on the fusion of Sentinel 1 and Alos Palsar data. Accuracy assessment of the final product, produces accuracy values of 0.946 for forest class, while the classification accuracy for non-forest class is 0.92.
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