Capacitor Allocation in Unbalanced Systems Using a Three-Level Optimization Framework
Capacitor Placement, Losses Minimization, Optimal Power Flow, Unbalanced Distribution SystemsAbstract
The optimal capacitor placement issue has a strong combinatorial nature due to the high number of possible decisions. This paper proposes a three-level method to solve this problem in unbalanced distribution systems to achieve energy losses minimization. In the first step, the Multiphase Optimal Power Flow is solved by Interior Point Method, considering heavy-load and light-load, where the reactive power and the number of fixed and switched banks are determined, where the topology constraints are modeled using a Multiphase Power Flow Method. In the second step, the position of the capacitors is determined using Genetic Algorithms, using the light-load to allocate the fixed banks and heavy-load to allocate the switched ones. Finally, the third step aims to determine the states of the switched capacitors, using binary optimization and considering the whole daily load curve. For validation, it is tested on topologies based in IEEE 4, IEEE 13, and IEEE 123 Node Test-Feeders.
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