Multi-agent communication models for cooperative navigation in complex environments



multi agent systems, navigation, multi agent coordination


Multi-agent navigation in restricted environments presents significant challenges, since agents need to move to their goals in an efficient manner while avoiding collisions with both static and dynamic obstacles. Previously, C-Nav was proposed as a method that can effectively coordinate groups of agents in very restricted environments. In this work, we propose and evaluate three alternative communications models for C-Nav, that intend to provide more flexibility to the original method. The results of our experiments show that each of our proposed methods can lead to significant improvements over C-Nav in specific types of restricted environments.


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Author Biographies

Jonathan Rodríguez, Universidad de Concepción

Jonathan Rodr´ıguez Rebolledo Obtuvo el t´ıtulo de Ingeniero civil inform´atico en la Universidad de Concepci´on. Sus ´areas de inter´es son la ingenier´ıa de software y el desarrollo de proyectos en general.

Julio Godoy, Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile

Julio Godoy Obtuvo su doctorado en Computaci´on en la Universidad de Minnesota, USA. Actualmente es profesor asistente en la Universidad de Concepci´on, Chile. Sus intereses de investigaci´on est´an en la intersecci´on de inteligencia artificial distribuida y rob´otica.

Fernando Gutierrez, AIDA SpA

Fernando Gutierrez Obtuvo su doctorado en Computaci´on en la Universidad de Oregon, USA. A trav´es de su cargo en AIDA, trabaja en la integraci´on de t´ecnicas de Inteligencia Artificial a procesos industriales. Sus ´areas de inter´es son integraci´on de representaci´on de conocimiento en sistemas multiagentes y Web Sem´antica.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, J., Godoy, J., & Gutierrez, F. (2021). Multi-agent communication models for cooperative navigation in complex environments. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 19(9), 1556–1563. Retrieved from