The Insertion of Energy Storage Systems in Power Systems

A Regulatory and Economic Analysis


  • Eric Fernando Boeck Daza Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Mauricio Sperandio Federal University of Santa Maria


Economics, Electricity supply industry deregulation, Energy Storage, Power system economics


This work presents a methodology to analyze the insertion of energy storage systems in power systems considering different economic scenarios and regulatory frameworks. The work uses technical and economic data from international benchmarks to determine the scenarios in which investment in energy storage systems may be feasible. In all, 8 possible regulatory policies were analyzed, which combined generated 255 scenarios for evaluation and in each of these scenarios various economic scenarios of capital cost and tax are evaluated, allowing more than 58 thousand possible configurations. Based on each configuration it was possible to determine what could be the maximum feasible cost for installation of energy storage systems and thus to conclude how new investments could be made in these devices in power systems. In this way, the method allows to evaluate any energy storage technology and indicate which regulatory changes could be made considering the economic environment being evaluated.


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Author Biographies

Eric Fernando Boeck Daza, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Eric Fernando Boeck Daza é engenheiro eletricista, com mestrado em Sistemas de Energia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Atualmente é doutorando em Sistemas de Energia pela UFSM e professor da Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA).

Mauricio Sperandio, Federal University of Santa Maria

Mauricio Sperandio é engenheiro eletricista, com mestrado e doutorado em Planejamento de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)



How to Cite

Boeck Daza, E. F., & Sperandio, M. (2019). The Insertion of Energy Storage Systems in Power Systems: A Regulatory and Economic Analysis. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 17(5), 843–850. Retrieved from