Hybrid Attack Optimization Supported Enhanced Deep Learning to Facilitate Power System Event Detection using PMU Data



Deep Convolution Neural Network (DCNN), event detection, Hybrid Attack Optimization (HAO), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU).


Accurate event detection is crucial for initiating control and protection measures in power systems to ensure enhanced and reliable operation. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) play a vital role in various functional aspects of power systems, including state estimation and intelligent protection algorithms. However, the authenticity of real-time data from PMUs must be verified before feeding it into applicable real-time algorithms to prevent undesirable or erroneous operations. This paper aims to present an efficient preprocessing methodology for identifying unwanted, incorrect, missing, or noisy PMU data to facilitate robust event detection algorithms. The proposed methodology leverages real-time data-driven deep learning techniques for authenticating incoming data. Given the high sampling rate of PMUs, the presence of extraneous data can lead to false event detection, necessitating reliable data preprocessing. Challenges identified in existing literature, such as the limitations of Steady State (SS)-Local Outlier Factor (LOF) in event detection and classification, issues with detecting line tripping and inter-area oscillations, computational and bandwidth requirements for micro-PMU installations, and false alarms resulting from inaccuracies in frequency ramp rate determination, are addressed. To overcome these challenges, this research proposes a deep learning approach that utilizes modified Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) classifiers to classify and extract features from PMU data, enabling highly efficient detection of disturbances in transmission lines. Additionally, a hybrid attack optimization (HAO) technique is employed to enhance convergence rates, accuracy, and efficiency. Performance evaluation of the proposed system is conducted by calculating and assessing disturbances generated by power lines using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI).


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Author Biographies

Ms. Saba K M Shaikh, Research Scholar- IITRAM-Ahmedabad, Assistant Professor -AISSMS IOIT-Pune

Mrs. Saba Kausar. M Shaikh is an Indian author born in Maharashtra. She has completed her M.Tech in Electrical Power System from College of Engineering- Pune (COEP) affiliated to the University of Pune. Currently, she is a research scholar in Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)- Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She completed her B.E in Electrical Engineering from University of Pune in the year 2002. She has also completed her Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) from Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology (CWIT)- Pune. She has been awarded a gold medal in Electrical Power subject of DEE. She has secured sixth rank in the University of Pune during her third year of under-graduation. She is working as an Assistant Professor in AISSMS Institute of Information Technology (IOIT) – Pune. She has a total experience of 16 years in teaching and 2 years in industries like Reliance Industries Ltd. She has received the Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers. This certificate has been awarded by the University of Cambridge International Examinations for achieving the required standard (Distinction) in the following units:Developing a new teaching approach, facilitating active learning, reflecting on practice. She has a few publications in ieeexplore and a few books to her credit. Ms. S M Shaikh is a member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) member LM 67653, Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) Member M-1574838 and IEEE student member Member #98790765.

Dr. Manjunath K, Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Dr. Manjunath Kallamadi is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering department of Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He has completed his PhD in Power and Energy Systems (2011-2016), from Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. He has done his M. E Power Systems (2009-2011), Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur. (Currently, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology IIEST, Shibpur). Dr. Manjunath ‘s research interests include energy management in an AC Microgrid, reactive power compensation in Power Systems, Microgrids and Distributed Generation, Stability and Control of Power and Energy Systems.


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How to Cite

Shaikh, S. K. M., & Kallamadi, M. . (2025). Hybrid Attack Optimization Supported Enhanced Deep Learning to Facilitate Power System Event Detection using PMU Data. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 23(3), 223–231. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/9199



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