Estimation of the electrical energy provided by an irrigation canal with the design of a hydrokinetic turbine



hydrokinetic, energy, irrigation channels, rural zones, clean energy


Small-scale hydropower is considered one of the most economical, predictable, and environmentally friendly technologies. However, it is still under development, which has led to its limited application, especially to hydraulic resources with low head and fluid velocity like the irrigation canal of the "Centenario de la Revolución Francisco J. Múgica" dam, located in a rural
zone of the state of Michoacán, México. To estimate the actual energy that this hydraulic resource can give, we proposed an energy conversion methodology that consists of three main steps: the evaluation of the hydraulic energy using the annual Flow Duration Curve of the canal, the numerical design of the ducted hydrokinetic turbine using experimental measurements and the selection of a low-velocity electrical generator. The designed hydrokinetic turbine was able to convert 78.53% of the hydraulic energy available into useful energy, which agriculture could use directly in rural areas.


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Author Biographies

Eder Peralta-Escobar, Universidad Michoacana de Sán Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Eder Peralta graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia as a Mechanical Engineer in 2011, he worked at the company "Fabricación Industrial de Michoacán," where he developed activities in quality control and operated machining centers. In 2014, he pursued his master's studies at the same institution and graduated in 2015. He is currently working on his PhD at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. His main interest is in the study of hydrokinetic turbines applied to existing water resources.

Sergio Galvan-González, Universidad Michoacana de Sán Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Sergio Galvan-González graduated at the Instituto Tecnológico de Cd Madero as Mechanical Engineer in 1988. He worked at Comisión Federal de Electricidad in the Grijalva Hydroelectric Complex as supervisor of the mechanical department, at the Malpaso and Angostura Hydroelectric Power Plants and as mechanical superintendent and at José Cecilio del Valle in the maintenance, repair and put in service of the hydraulic turbines. From 1995 to 1998, he completed his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the IPN in ESIME Zacatenco at LABINTHAP. In 2002, he started his PhD studies at the Polytechnic of Montreal, Canada, in the Department of Numerical Aero-thermal Engineering. Since 2008 he joined the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo managing as research lines the "Redesign of Francis turbine runners for the repowering of small hydroelectric power plants" and the "Development of a virtual test laboratory for Hydraulic Turbines using high performance computing".

Gildardo Solorio-Díaz, Universidad Michoacana de Sán Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Gildardo Solorio graduated from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo as a Mechanical Engineer, completed his Master's degree in Metallurgy and Materials Science at the Metallurgical Research Institute of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, as well as the Doctorate in Sciences with a Specialty in Metallurgy and Materials at the National Polytechnic Institute at the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Extractive Industries. During his Postgraduate studies, he investigated the Control of Turbulence and Flow of Liquid Steel in a Continuous Casting Distributor Using the Feed ladle shroud. His field of study is transport phenomena in steel processes through numerical and experimental simulation.

Nicólas-David Herrera-Sandoval, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Morelia

Nicolas Herrera was born in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico, on December 26th, 1985, he graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Design Engineering in 2012, both from the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia, in Morelia Michoacán México. Later he obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2017 from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo also in Morelia Michoacan Mexico. His main fields of study are fluid dynamics, computational modeling and optimization. He served as the Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering program from 2018 to 2021 in the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia in Morelia Michoacan, and is currently the Department Head of that program. Also, he has taught classes in the area of Fluid Mechanics and Computational Modeling in the same department since 2017. He has two publications in turbomachinery optimization trough genetic algorithms and a chapter book in high performance computing.

Daniel Cahue-Díaz, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Morelia

Daniel Cahue is a research professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia. He is a member of the National System of Researchers and is a reviewer of journal articles for Thermal Applied Engineering and Experimental thermal and fluid science. He has specialized in the field of thermal dissipation of semiconductor devices and in the design and development of heat pipes known as Heat Pipe.


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How to Cite

Peralta-Escobar, E., Galván-González, S.-R., Solorio-Díaz, G., Herrera-Sandoval, N.-D., & Cahue-Díaz, D. (2024). Estimation of the electrical energy provided by an irrigation canal with the design of a hydrokinetic turbine. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 23(1), 58–67. Retrieved from



Electric Energy