Digital Twin Implementation for an Additive Manufacturing Robotic Cell based on the ISO 23247 Standard
Digital Twin, Robotic cell, Metal, Additive Manufacturing, MQTT, ISO 23247, Industry 4.0Abstract
Recent developments in the field of Additive Manufacturing have been improving the capabilities of the technique not only to be able to build complex geometry parts layer by layer with different materials, but also including the so-called Industry 4.0 technologies, namely Internet of Things (IoT), big data (BD) and Digital Twins (DT). The combination of these technologies with Additive Manufacturing allows online process monitoring and simulation, along with the cloud storage of the process and geometry data collected during the material deposition. The analysis of such data allows online and post-deposition identification of eventual process instabilities that can lead to quality problems. Considering the above-mentioned concepts, this work presents a DT architecture based on the ISO 23247-Digital Twin Framework for Manufacturing standard. In this sense, an approach of a Digital Twin framework for metal additive manufacturing process in a robotic cell composed of a robotic arm, positioning table and welding machine is presented and validated, focusing on the collection and cloud storage of both geometrical and process data along with near real-time process simulation.
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