Compliance Analysis of Series Arc-fault in AFCI- Equipped Inverters in Accordance with IEC 63027



IEC 63027, AFCI, DC arc-fault detection, series arc-fault, photovoltaics (PV) systems.


The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia - INMETRO) introduces that, starting in 2024, all photovoltaic (PV) inverters sold in the Brazilian market must incorporate an Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupt (AFCI) function into their systems. These inverters are required to comply with the IEC 63027:2023 (Photovoltaic power systems – DC arc detection and interruption) standard. Considering this, the Electrical Engineering Laboratory at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – UPM) conducted a series of arc-faults tests on three inverters available in the market, following the IEC 63027 standard. Each of the three inverters underwent a total of 32 arcs, considering number of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) ports, different impedance topologies, arc position in the PV system, and maximum values of voltage and current. The experiments revealed that two of the three inverters are not capable of meeting the international standard for detecting and interrupting series arc-faults, highlighting the need evaluation of PV inverter sold in the Brazilian market. During the analysis, it was noted that for certain parameters proposed by IEC 63027, there is a gap of information regarding evaluation of the data relating to arc self-extinguish or actual AFCI intervention. It is show that this scenario can raise a concern: the possibility exists for an inverter meet the international standard without implementing an effective AFCI technology. The 96 tests conducted were compared in terms of arc detection time and arc energy. The data were analyzed and compared with respect to the phenomena of arc self-extinguishing and the operation of the AFCI. Suggestions for enhancements to the IEC 63027 standard were provided


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Author Biographies

Filipe Ramos, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Filipe Ramos holds a diploma in Electrical Technician from the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) (2019). Currently pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Works as a researcher on R&D projects focusing on simulation and characterization of optical modulators. Also involved in research related to the characterization, analysis and safety against arc fault in PV systems. Contributor in technical committees for the development of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards.

Jose Neto

Jose Neto holds Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Energy and Automation from the University of São Paulo (2012), a Master of Sciences and a Doctorate degree in Energy Technology at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo (2017 and 2023). Has experience in the field of electrical engineering, compliance testing of equipment for photovoltaic application, planning, and project management.

Fabio Almeida

Fabio Almeida holds a Doctorate in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (2021), and a Master's degree in Nuclear Science and Technology (2006) from the University of São Paulo (USP). Completed undergraduate studies in Physics (2002) and Mathematics (Teaching Degree) (2002) at the UPM ( Mackenzie Presbyterian University). Currently serves as a full-time University Professor at the UPM, specializing in areas including Materials, Electromagnetism, Glass, Physics, Mathematics, Calculus, Structures, Mechanics, and Statistics.

Silvia Velázquez

Silvia Velazquez graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (1985), holds a Master's degree (2000) and a Ph.D. (2006) in Energy from the Interunit Graduate Program in Energy (PIPGE) of the University of São Paulo (USP). Adjunct Professor at the School of Engineering of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Also involved in research in the field of energy generation from renewable sources: wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic, biomass, biogas, and liquid biofuels.

Bruno Lima

Bruno Lima obtained a Doctor’s and Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP) (2017, 2006). Possesses experience in the field of Electrical Engineering, with a focus on electronics, sensors, and electrical automation systems. Currently works as a researcher in R&D projects involving the development of automation systems, sensor networks, and monitoring systems. Also serves as professor of computing and eletrical engenirig.


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How to Cite

Ramos, F., Neto, J., Almeida, F., Velázquez , S. ., & Lima, B. . (2024). Compliance Analysis of Series Arc-fault in AFCI- Equipped Inverters in Accordance with IEC 63027. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(9), 761–770. Retrieved from



Electric Energy