Optimal Control and Grasping for a Robotic Hand with a Non-linked Double Tendon Arrangement
control theory, robotic hand, optimal PI, Web applicationAbstract
After comparing different robotic hand projects, a problem is identified: when a finger has a degree of freedom, the hand is unable to grasp irregularly shaped objects. This article proposes a solution. The use of a non-linked doubletendon arrangement in the fingers allows them to have free movement; coupled with the use of Inertial Measurement Units to determine its position, ensures that, despite having one degree of freedom per finger, the hand can effectively grasp irregular objects. Additionally, a web application is developed to control hand movements through voice commands. Finally, due to the necessity for these types of devices to be mobile, an optimal control law is used to minimize energy consumption, thereby increasing autonomy when the hand is powered by batteries. As an additional note, the conducted experiments reveal that the movement of all fingers occurs simultaneously, demonstrating that parallel multitasking programming techniques effectively fulfill that purpose.
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