Output Regulation for Descriptor Systems with High-Gain Observer Used as Exosystem for Unmodeled References
Output Regulation, High Order-Gain Observer, Linear Matrix Inequality, Descriptor SystemAbstract
This paper is oriented to solve the output regulation problem for descriptor systems on the basis of the modified Francis equations, for arbitrary reference signals by means of High-Gain Observer as a dynamical model, where its outputs corresponds to the references to follow and the disturbances to reject involved in the regulation problem. In this way, the regulation of unmodeled but measurable reference signals is achieved. The sufficiency conditions for designing the regulator are given in this paper. Additionally, to establish a globally attractive mapping, Linear Matrix Inequalities are used to find the steady state in a straightforward manner. The nonlinear, non- minimum phase, and underactuated systems such as the Furuta Pendulum and Péndubot are used to illustrate the viability of the proposed approach. Finally, the controller implementation on the Furuta Pendulum is provided to demonstrate its performance in real-time applications.
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