Performance study of a photovoltaic system operating on the southeastern coast of Brazil



Photovoltaic power system, Performance parameters, Coastal region, Distributed power generation


The photovoltaic (PV) solar energy generation sector is expanding fast and achieved 23.9 GW of installed power in Brazil in the first months of 2023 (occupying the 2nd place in installed capacity in the Brazilian electricity mix). Such a scenario makes PV power generation a resource for regional development and socioeconomic opportunities for metropolitan regions with a high national economy share and population density. The present work investigated how a PV system’s performance is affected when operating in a coastal area close to high atmospheric particulate and gases emitters like cargo transportation and port operational procedures. The PV system is installed at the Federal University of São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista in Santos/SP, close to Latin America’s largest port in trade operations. Santos is a medium-sized coastal city with a tropical climate, dry winters, and humid summers. The evaluation is based on a database including environmental and operational quantities acquired between October/2020 and September/2021 to calculate the fundamental performance metrics: performance ratio, capacity factor, reference and final yields, and system losses. The performance parameters were analogous to published results achieved by PV systems worldwide in coastal and continental areas. The PV system performance at Unifesp’s Building rooftop was not affected by regional climate and local atmospheric conditions related to the nearby polluting economic activities, including emissions of gases and particulates into the atmosphere. Finally, the PV system showed better performance than that simulated by the SOLergo tool regarding the generated energy, probably due to the influence of local environmental variables and careful operational maintenance not considered in the numerical simulations.


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Author Biographies

M.Sc. Júlia de Oliveira Gonzalez, Federal University of São Paulo

Júlia de O. Gonzalez MSc from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Marine Science and Technology (2019-2021), Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering and Renewable Resources (2017-2019), and Interdisciplinary Marine Science and Technology (2014-2016), all in UNIFESP. She was a CAPES master’s scholarship holder (2020-2021) and an undergraduate scholarship working in solar energy innovation and petroleum biodegradation. Currently, she is a Renewable Energy Performance Analyst (2022-current) and acted as an Energy Market Analyst (2021-2022), both at Schneider Electric. Former professional activities include experience in photovoltaic solar energy integrators (2018-2021).

Dr. Fernando Ramos Martins, Federal University of São Paulo

Fernando R. Martins Bachelor’s in Physics (USP, 1986), MSc. in Nuclear Technology (IPEN/CNEN-SP, 1992), and Ph.D. in Space Geophysics (INPE, 2001). He acts at the Federal University of São Paulo as a professor and Research Fellowship from CNPq. His current research focuses on the relationship between climate and energy, remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, and renewable energy resources assessment. In recent years has participated in research projects developed in collaboration with national and international research institutions like the SWERA project (http:/ funded by UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) and SONDA Network Project funded by PETROBRAS and FINEP. He has done work and research activities focusing on the following areas: remote sensing, renewable energy resources, geographical information systems, and applications of radiation technology in radiology. He is currently a reviewer for national and international journals.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Gonzalez, J., & Ramos Martins, F. (2024). Performance study of a photovoltaic system operating on the southeastern coast of Brazil. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(5), 410–417. Retrieved from



Electric Energy