Arbitrage in an electricity market with a high share of renewables



Electric Price Arbitrage, Energy storage, Hydropower, Pump Storage Hydropower, Renewable Energy


The increase in solar and wind generation carries flexibility problems for electrical systems, which could be solved by implementing large-scale energy storage plants. Arbitrage — buying energy, storing it, and then selling it at a higher price— is one of the primary sources of revenue for large-scale storage plants. To financially evaluate an arbitration project, it is necessary to estimate hourly spot prices for time horizons comparable to the project's lifespan, which is a very complex task due to the multiple variables that affect the price of electricity. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: will arbitration be enough to make large-scale storage projects viable in Colombia, assuming a massive incursion of solar and wind energy? And which variables affect the arbitrage potential? We developed a dynamic simulation model to estimate hourly spot prices over a 12-year horizon. We find that the massive incursion of solar and wind generation will decrease the arbitrage potential, making the storage projects that depend exclusively on this income unfeasible. This result implies that project developers and regulators must structure other remuneration mechanisms to incentivize large-scale storage construction.


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Author Biographies

David Delgado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia

David Delgado is a Master's student in Energy Systems Engineering at the National University of Colombia - Medellín. He has a Specialist’s degree in Project Management from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and a Mechanical Engineering degree from the same university. Currently, he works as a project engineer at Empresas Públicas de Medellín. His research interests include energy market modeling and simulation, project formulation and evaluation, among others.

Carlos Jaime Franco, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia

Carlos J. Franco has a Ph.D. in Energy Systems Engineering from the National University of Colombia - Medellín, a Master’s degree in Hydraulic Resources, and a Civil Engineer degree. Currently, he works as a tenured professor in the Department of Computer and Decision Sciences at the National University of Colombia - Medellín. His research areas include complex systems, energy market modeling and simulation, policy evaluation, and strategy formulation for the energy sector. His recent work includes analysis of low-carbon economies, demand response, electricity market integration, energy transition, and clean energy diffusion, among others.


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How to Cite

Delgado, D., & Franco, C. J. (2023). Arbitrage in an electricity market with a high share of renewables. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 22(1), 39–45. Retrieved from



Electric Energy