Hydrokinetic energy potential in Argentine estuaries with high tidal ranges
Tidal streams, Resource assessment, Patagonian estuaries, Potential energy, Numerical ModellingAbstract
Advancing in the resource assessment for the tidal stream energy harnessing is essential to have a predictable energy source. On the Patagonian coast of Argentina, there are tidal conditions with high ranges that favors the implementation of projects of this type. Specifically, there are five estuaries in which the proximity to points of energy demand transforms them into sites of interest. In this work, in these estuaries and using numerical modelling, an analysis of the hydrodynamic and energetic variables (available minimum depths, mean current velocities and potential energy) was developed, integrated with site selection indicators. The modelling strategy was based on a system of nested models to achieve greater discretization inside the estuaries (approximately 100 m and 15 s). Models were calibrated based on tidal predictions in estuarine ports due to the lack of systematic measurements. The results indicated the presence of wide areas with energy potential greater than 1.5 KW/m2 and a diversity of depths and velocities that would allow the use of different scales of energy converters.
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