Secure home automation system based on ESP-NOW mesh network, MQTT and Home Assistant platform



ESP-NOW, Smart Home, Mesh Network, Domotic System, MQTT, Home Assistant


Domotics allows for the control and monitoring of interconnected electronic devices in a home through effective communication protocols within an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture. To achieve proper functionality, it is necessary to ensure the communication and security of the IoT devices that make up the network, which are the main challenges faced by domotic systems. In this context, we have developed an algorithm that allows for the creation of a secure mesh network using the ESP-NOW communication protocol, with data encryption on the mesh network. The algorithm has been implemented and evaluated using low-cost commercial IoT devices and integrated through a secure MQTT Broker with the Home Assistant domotic platform. Tests carried out in a real environment on the proposed domotic system indicate that the network is fast and stable, with an overall average latency of 75 ms and an overall average packet loss rate of 9.25%.


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Author Biographies

Joel A. Cujilema Paguay, Universidad Tecnica de Machala

IT engineering student at UTMACH. Current research in IoT and embedded systems. Active member of the AutoMathTIC research group.

Gustavo A. Hidalgo Brito, Universidad Tecnica de Machala

IT engineering student at UTMACH. Current research in IoT and embedded systems. Active member of the AutoMathTIC
research group.

Dixys L. Hernandez Rojas, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

PhD in information technology and communications in mobile networks from the University of La Coruña, UDC (2018). He is currently a full professor at the Computer Science Department of the Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Ecuador. His research focuses on the Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks, smart sensors and embedded systems development. At UTMACH, he was founder and director of the IoTMach research group (2014), which then became the current
AutoMathTIC (2018), of which he is also its director, until today. He has about 22 publications in journals, books and book chapters, in JCR and SJR journals with profiles Q1 and Q3. He has directed more than 20 undergraduate and masters degree works in the last 4 years. 

Joffre J. Cartuche Calva, Universidad Tecnica de Machala

Computer Systems Engineer from ESPOCH. Master’s degree in software engineering from ESPE. PhD candidate in ICTMobile Networks at UDC, Spain. Lines of research in software engineering, project management and IoT security. He has worked in public and private companies and currently teaches at UTMACH


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How to Cite

Cujilema Paguay, J. A., Hidalgo Brito, G. A., Hernandez Rojas, D. L., & Cartuche Calva, J. J. (2023). Secure home automation system based on ESP-NOW mesh network, MQTT and Home Assistant platform. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 21(7), 829–838. Retrieved from