Control proposal for photovoltaic inverters with reactive power supply for voltage stability during momentary sags and in steady state
current saturation, distributed generation, electrical energy quality, momentary sagAbstract
This work aims to present a control proposal for dual-stage photovoltaic inverters to supply reactive power aiming at voltage stability in steady state and during short-term momentary sags. For this, a study was carried out on the control and modeling techniques of the DC/DC and DC/AC converters of the photovoltaic generating unit, in addition, a modified MPPT algorithm was implemented that, together with an AVR system, will manage the power in transient regime, decreasing the active power and increasing the reactive power in order to restore the voltage level in the grid. In addition, the dynamic saturation of the current in the switches and the power of the inverter was carried out so that they operate within their nominal limits. The entire system was executed in a computational environment on the Matlab/Simulink platform. Satisfactory results were obtained regarding the supply of reactive power and assistance in voltage restoration carried out by distributed generation during momentary sag.
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