A graph-based superpixel segmentation method for measuring pressure ulcers
Graph-based superpixel segmentation, Pressure ulcers, Medical imagesAbstract
Monitoring wound healing is a necessary procedure to help health services control pressure ulcers. The correct diagnosis depends on clinical observations by doctors and nurses during patient visits. The evaluation of the wound area represents one of the most important data. Usually, health professionals assess ulcers through visual inspection, using rulers and decals. These ones, in direct contact with these lesions, may cause discomfort and inducing other infections, and consequently, worsen the patient’s clinical condition. Understanding and knowing these injuries allows for better preventive and therapeutic actions. In this paper, we aim to present an automatic and effective method for ulcer delineation according to the following pipeline: (i) graph-based superpixel segmentation; (ii) superpixel feature extraction; (iii) superpixel classification; (iv) ulcer segmentation; and (v) feature description. The main idea is to automatically compute pressure ulcer measurements for identifying the lesion area, allowing the follow-up of the scar evolution. Our graph-based superpixel segmentation method outperformed five other state-of-the-art approaches, as well as deep learning models, reaching 92.6% sensitivity, 98.6% specificity, 97.6% precision, 96.6% accuracy, and 90.4% intersection over the union.
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