Modular Advanced Metering Infrastructure to Reduce Electricity Theft and a Cluster-Based Illegal Loads Detection
AMI, LAN, NAN, mesh network, smart grid, smart meter, clusteringAbstract
This article introduces the development of a modu- lar advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) for a single-phase power system, focusing on the reduction of non-technical losses (NTLs). In emerging economies, electromechanical meters are within the reach of consumers, and can be easily tampered with. With the proposed modular AMI, the physical security of smart meters is increased, thereby reducing this practice. The hardware design and the functionality of each main component of the modular AMI are explained. In addition, a cluster-based strategy to detect illegal electrical loads directly connected to power distribution lines is presented. The detection algorithm does not require extensive processing or complicated analysis of a large amount of data. The experimental and numerical results confirm the functionality of the developed AMI, an adequate detection of energy theft, and the feasibility to reduce the NTLs.
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