Methodology evaluation: Inclusion of end users in user-centered development process
Software engineering, User-centered design, Evaluation methods, Tangible user interfaces, GamificationAbstract
User-Centered Design (UCD) has taken great relevance in software development since it allows to know characteristics and particularities of the end users to whom the system is addressed, generating applications with great acceptability. Consequently, many software development methodologies decide to implement this approach, however, it is important to perform evaluation processes to ensure compliance with this feature, for this reason, this paper presents different methods of evaluation of software development methodologies and their final products, identifying a series of criteria that can be applied in future evaluations related to user-centered design, in addition, by means of a software engineering experimentation process proposed by Gómez et al [26] a software methodology evaluation tool is applied to analyze the information related to the UCD it provides, ending with a comparison between the results of the METUIGA and MEDPE methodology. The results obtained demonstrate the need to create an evaluation tool that considers the participation of the end user in the evaluation of the methodological process and the final product, since the data obtained in the experimentation process focused more on the fulfillment of the software engineering process.
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