Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Networks
Internet of things, wireless sensor networks, energy consumption, stochastic modelAbstract
Energy management in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a challenging problem that calls for careful modeling and analysis. It is shown in the paper that the problem can be more precisely characterized by calculating the probability distribution function (PDF) and the maximum and minimum values of the energy consumed by the network. As a result, this paper provides a novel approach for modeling and assessing the probability range of energy expended by WSN nodes. The steps that were taken for developing this project were: (1) an initial investigation into the power consumption of WSN devices; (2) the proposal of a stochastic model for consumption; (3) the collection of data using the LoRaWANSim simulator; and (4) the interpretation and comparison of simulation with theoretical results. The examination of the suggested method with a discrete-event simulator and the resulting mathematical expressions provide a deeper insight into the energy consumption patterns of WSNs.
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