An Anomaly-based Detection System for Monitoring Kubernetes Infrastructures
Anomaly Detection, Cloud Native, Deep Learning, Kubernetes, LATAM-DDoS-IoT Dataset, Machine Learning, One-Class Classification, Online LearningAbstract
Network monitoring is crucial to analyze infrastructure baselines and alert whenever an abnormal behavior is observed. However, human effort is limited in time and scope since many variables must be considered in real-time. In addition, infrastructures such as Kubernetes are complex by nature since they do not consider fixed equipment from which to gather data; instead, these infrastructures consider distributed, event-driven, and ephemeral containers that make it complicated to capture and track metrics. Artificial Intelligence models have demonstrated high detection rates for anomaly detection; therefore, there is a need to design and implement a global solution to collect complex data and orchestrate the whole Machine Learning Operations workflow. This document shares the findings and learnings from defining a cloud-native Artificial Intelligence infrastructure at Aligo to develop an anomaly-based detection system for monitoring on-premise Kubernetes infrastructures. After Chaos Engineering experiments, it is shown that the resulting deployed system is strong when alerting outliers and that an end-to-end infrastructure has been developed for conducting future Artificial Intelligence projects at the company.
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