Analysis of Scientific Production on the Use of Big Data Analytics in Performance Measurement Systems
Bibliometric Analysis, Performance Measurement Systems, Performance Measures, Industry 4.0, Big Data AnalyticsAbstract
Performance measurement systems have a critical role in organizations’ management, transforming data into relevant information for decision makers. In recent decades, the amount of data and information generated and shared has increased immensely, providing unprecedented opportunities and challenges for such systems. Faced with this scenario, this article aims to analyze the use of big data analytics in performance measurement systems to clarify the nexus between them. Furthermore, the aim is also to identify the trends and opportunities for future research. To achieve that, we carried a scientific map out using bibliometric analysis. The major results of the research show that the use of big data analytics in PMS has increased in recent years without considering the performance measurement systems’ characteristics. Incorporating artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning and deep learning could improve the domain, creating opportunities for empirical works such as the use of unstructured data and applications in Industry 4.0.
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