Proof of Concept of an ELF Magnetic Field Exposure System with Biphasic Magnetic Pulses: Effects on Human Dermal Fibroblast Proliferation


  • Leandro Vives Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF), Villa Martelli, Pcia de Buenos Aires, B1603, Argentina.
  • Marcelo Ielpi Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.
  • Malena Tamara Sosa Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.
  • Marcelo Risk Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB) - CONICET- Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano - Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.
  • Osvaldo Patiño Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.


biphasic magnetic pulses, extremely low frequencies, human dermal fibroblast, in vitro exposure, proliferation assessment


The aim of this work was to validate the usefulness of an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure system with a magnetotherapy device of common use in clinical practice that generates Biphasic Magnetic Pulses (BMP), in order to study the effects of the BMP on the proliferation of Human Dermal Fibroblasts (HDF). In that regard, HDF were exposed 2h in the morning and 2h in the afternoon for 2 days to BMP of 1.41mT peak value at 5, 10, 25Hz continuous and 50Hz intermittent (2s on/ 1.5s off). MTT assay was performed to assess proliferation. The 10Hz BMP showed a significant decrease in proliferation of 6.6% (p = 0.001) with respect to controls, but no significant changes in proliferation were seen with the other BMP. In order to analyze whether these results could be related to the exposure protocol, a 50Hz power line intermittent signal (1s on/ 1s off) was generated and tested but exposure time was increased to 48h to cover the complete cells doubling time. A significant increase in proliferation of 9% (p < 0.001) was found in this case. The results validate the in vitro exposure system for its use with the BMP. Though the MTT proliferation assay alone is not enough to make definitive claims, the results might indicate that exposure time plays a key role in the outcome of the experiments. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the exposure time on in vitro protocols and how they relate to in vivo experiments and current treatments.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Vives, Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF), Villa Martelli, Pcia de Buenos Aires, B1603, Argentina.

Leandro A. Vives received the degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires in 2005 and is currently doing his Ph.D. in applied sciences and engineering at the University of San Martín (Argentina). Since 2004 he has been working in the area of Antennas and Non Ionizing Radiation in the Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF). He is currently an Associate Professor in Electromagnetics and Bioelectromagnetics at the Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHIBA). Eng. Vives is a member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS).

Marcelo Ielpi, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.

Marcelo Ielpi received a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Morón (Argentina) in 2001. He joined the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires to assist in the area of cell culture in 2001 and since 2008 he is in charge of cell culture and cryopreservation. He is also part of the pediatric unrelated donor HSC transplant team and the pediatric halogen and autologous HSC transplant team.

Malena Tamara Sosa, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.

Malena T. Sosa graduated as a hematology technician in 2012 at the Instituto Superior de Tecnicaturas para la Salud del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, and is currently studying Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. She works at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires as an assistant in the area of cell culture and cryopreservation and as a member of the Support Staff for Research and Development Career (CPA) at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET).

Marcelo Risk, Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB) - CONICET- Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano - Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.

Marcelo Risk holds a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, a ScD in Bioengineering from the National University of Córdoba, an MBA from the University of Palermo and a degree in Electronics Engineering from the National Technological University (Argentina). He is currently director of the Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingenieria Biomedica (IMTIB), associated with the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires and the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, director and full-time Professor, in the Biomedical Engineering program at IUHIBA.

Osvaldo Patiño, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, C1199, Argentina.

Osvaldo Patiño received the degree in Physiotherapy in 1977 and a PhD in Medicine in 2002, both from the University of Buenos Aires. He has worked for more than forty years as physiotherapist, research scientist and university Professor. He is currently the honorary chief of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation department of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires and a professor in the Universidad de Gran Rosario (UGR). Dr. Patiño is a member of the American Association of Physical Therapy, the European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation and the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment among other societies.


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How to Cite

Vives, L., Ielpi, M. ., Sosa, M. T., Risk, M. ., & Patiño, O. . (2022). Proof of Concept of an ELF Magnetic Field Exposure System with Biphasic Magnetic Pulses: Effects on Human Dermal Fibroblast Proliferation. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 21(1), 175–180. Retrieved from


