Smart Fractal Antennas in Transition Projects to 5G
Adaptive beamforming, fractal antennas, multiband transmission, smart antennas, spectral efficiencyAbstract
This paper proposes the combined use of two promising techniques in the design of 5G systems: fractal antennas and smart antennas. This new arrangement is capable to operating efficiently in multiband while directing the beam to the region of interest, promoting a better use of the spectrum and therefore allowing multiplesbeamforming to share resources in the time and frequency domain, an essential requirement for the fifth generation. In addition, the proposed array can be availed in projects that still use the previous generation technology, 4G, which would allow a more economically viable transition to 5G, especially for Latin American countries.A new type of smart fractal antenna is simulatedfor a wide range of frequencies.The parameters chosen for measuring the performance of the structure are the return loss, the radiation diagram and the 3D polar diagram, the most used in the literature. The proposed antenna achieved a return loss of -36 dB for 20.6 GHz and a notable gain of 15 dB, operating in multiband. These values are compared with other works already carried out by other researchers, which allows us to conclude that the proposed antenna is suitable for modern 5G communications.
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