Simplifying VGG-16 for Plant Species Identification
Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Fine-grained Classification, Plant Species Identification, VGG-16Abstract
Plant species identification represents an extraordinary challenge for machine learning due to visual interspecies similarities and large intraspecies variations. Furthermore, research literature reports that plant species identification usually lacks sufficiently large datasets for training classification models. In this paper, we address this problem with a model that simplifies the VGG-16 architecture, the N-VGG model. The idea behind N-VGG is to reduce experimentally observed overfitting on VGG-16 by using as few trainable parameters as possible. To do this, we substitute the flattening layer on the VGG architecture with a global average pooling layer. This reduces the size of the feature vector. In addition, we eliminate one of the two fully-connected layers and use a new hyper-parameter, N, to indicate the number of nodes on the remaining layer. To show the robustness of the N-VGG model, we conducted extensive experimentation. We trained N-VGG on five datasets for plant species identification. Four of these datasets are publicly available and have been widely used as benchmarks for plant identification models. For all datasets, we compare the accuracy of N-VGG to that of the VGG-16, Inception-v4, and EfficienNet-B3 models. The experimental results show that the N-VGG model achieved the best classification performance for all but one datasets, whereas all the models showed a remarkable performance for the remaining dataset. This evidence supports our initial idea that, for plant species classification, some accuracy might be lost due to overfitting and that having fewer trainable parameters helps in producing a more robust model.
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