Change Detection over mining areas using Deep Neural Networks from Planetscope image time series



Change Detection, Deep Learning, Mining areas, PlanetScope, Time Series


The processes of change detection (CD) in land use and land cover through satellite images acquired in different temporal phases represent a key process to monitor the land, the environment and evaluate disasters. Currently the methodologies used for CD based on pixels do not allow processing a large amount of images massively, so it is not possible to analyze all the available information. Main aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of Deep learning methods for CD, grouped in two approaches, across open mining areas from PlanetScope (PS) image time series of the Cerrejón mine in Colombia. Two approaches for change generation are proposed, one based on post-classification comparison in which two convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures are evaluated: U-Net and Feature Pyramidal Network (FPN) for the classification of mining areas along the time series, for this purpose different models with different hyperparameters were generated and trained to select the most suitable for such process and subsequently perform the difference between the periods of the series; and a second approach based on direct change detection in which a modified U-Net network was evaluated from pairs of images. For this purpose, different models were also trained selecting the most appropriate for the detection of changes for each period of the time series, obtaining a map of changes for each approach, each one the results were validated; the most appropriate approach was number 2 (Direct change detection), with kappa accuracies greater than 0.9 in each period of the time series.


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Author Biographies

Maycol Alejandro Zaraza-Aguilera, University Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas

Received the degree Cadastral and Geodesy Engineer in 2017 his specialization in Geographic Information System in 2019 from Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Bogota, Colombia. He is currently developing his M.Sc. studies in Information and Communications Sciences in the same institution. His research interests are focused in the field of satellite image processing, machine learning, CD and time series.

Erika Sofia Upegui, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia.

Associate Professor for the School of Engineering at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. She obtained her PhD title in Geography and Territorial Planning at Université Franche-Comté in France in 2012. She is MSc in Teledetection and Geomatics Applied to Environmental Sciences at Université Paris 7 (France -2009). She received the degree Cadastral and Geodesy Engineer in 2002 at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia).

Oscar Javier Espejo-Valero, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia

Born in Bogotá, received the Cadastral and Geodesy Engineer B.S in 2004 and M.S in Information and Communications Sciences in 2012 from the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. His research interests are focused in the field of GEOBIA, LULC, LULUCF and Crops Monitoring Systems.


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How to Cite

Zaraza-Aguilera, M. A., Upegui, E. S., & Espejo-Valero, O. J. (2022). Change Detection over mining areas using Deep Neural Networks from Planetscope image time series. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 20(9), 2196–2205. Retrieved from