Design and Validation of an In-Vehicle Data Recorder System for Testing Purposes
— Automotive communication protocols, CAN bus, In-Vehicle Data Recorder, OBDII, Typical Driving CyclesAbstract
This paper presents the design and statistical validation of an In-Vehicle Data Recorder System (IVDR) for testing purposes, implementing the use of CAN bus (Controller Area Network) communications protocol through the SAE J1962 port. The device works according to an interrupt-based algorithm that reads the vehicle’s sensor data sent through the CAN bus network. This data is stored in an external memory card and sent to a server using a General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) module, it can also be connected to a computer to view the data in real time. The proposed IVDR was thoroughly validated by means of multiple experiments, including one in which its performance was compared to an industrial use device with similar functions, it has also already been used in the development of a Typical Driving Cycle (TDC) for the city of Chía in Colombia. Statistical analysis shows that the device performs similarly against commercial devices and complies with SAE standard guidelines, presenting the device as a low-cost and reliable option for testing purposes and massively distributed IoT applications.
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