Computer System Integrated with Digital Models for Reconstruction of Underwater Structures with High Definition
3D Reconstruction, Fusion of Sensors, Underwater Robotics InterfaceAbstract
The development of research aimed at underwater inspection of subsea equipment has been gaining importance due to the exploration of oil and gas in deep waters. Often, the lack of accurate geometric information on subsea equipment used by the oil and gas industry leads to a series of difficulties in carrying out maintenance operations on this equipment. Currently, the use of sound-based technology is used for this purpose and its limits are known. In this sense, it is necessary to explore new methods that allow generating high-resolution three-dimensional models to represent, with adequate precision, underwater structures. The general objective of this research work presents a novel computational system that provides an accurate three-dimensional representation of structures of underwater equipment. The visualized application is in the oil exploration and production sector offshore, to fill important gap technology available for robotic underwater operations. This representation is a valuable resource to facilitate the planning and execution of the monitoring and maintenance activities in these assets. The feasibility of implementing this system is confirmed by the maps obtained during the testing phase.
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