Synthesis of Sung Spanish Vowels in Lyrical Singing by Sopranos
Glottal signal, Rosenberg model, singing voice, vibrato effect, voice synthesisAbstract
The aim of this paper is perform the synthesis of sung Spanish vowels considering the soprano vocal category of lyrical singers, including variation of sustained pitches with vibrato and tremolo effects, considering sounds from Spanish language. The Fant source-filter theory is used to model the production of the sung vowels: the source is based on the Rosenberg glottal pulse model and the filter (the vocal tract) is composed by an all-pole filter model with formant frequencies and bandwidths from the vowels of the Spanish language, obtained through experimental voice signals from two soprano singers. All the sounds synthesized are available to be accessed and they were submitted to a group of listeners which gave a very good evaluation with respect to the intelligibility and naturalness of the sounds.
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