Using Model-to-Model Transformations for Web Software Architecture Simulation
Software design, Software systems, Systems simulation, Systems architectureAbstract
The development of evaluation methods that allow improving the capture of quality data regarding software architectures is a topic of interest in Software Engineering. However, the dynamic of the traditional methods used for architecture evaluation is not enough to deal with the architectural complexity exhibit in new types of software products (such as cloud and web applications). In this paper, we present a model-to-model mapping based on modeling and simulation techniques that can be used as a complement of the traditional evaluation methods to improve the architecture design of complex systems. Using the set of elements that compose the architecture design of web applications, an abstraction model is designed with the aim to define the basic structure for the equivalent simulation model. Such a simulation model is detailed using two discrete-event formalisms: Discrete Event System Specification and Routed DEVS. In each case, a mapping is proposed to capture the full structure of the architecture with all its complexity. We compare both solutions to judge their applicability. Hence, the main advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are analyzed with the aim to evaluate their use in the architecture design stage of Software Engineering projects related to web applications.
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