5G and Beyond: Past, Present and Future of the Mobile Communications



5G communications, Massive MIMO, beamforming, mmWave communications, mobile edge computing, small cell stations, NOMA, network slicing


The fifth-generation (5G) of mobile communications networks is emerging as a revolutionary technology that will accelerate the development of smart cities and the realization of the information society. This paper aims to provide an introduction to 5G for non-specialists, and a survey of this new technology for those already familiar with mobile communications, covering the conceptualization and the core technologies underpinning 5G networks. The paper also discusses the status of the commercial roll-out of 5G until 2020 from a worldwide perspective and gives a future view of mobile communications beyond 5G.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Ulises Campos Delgado, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi

Daniel U. Campos Delgado received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP), Mexico, in 1996, and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Louisiana State University (LSU), USA, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. In 2001, he joined the Faculty of Sciences of UASLP as a Professor. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals, and 100 in international congresses. His research interests include estimation and detection, optimization algorithms, fault diagnosis, control theory, and digital signal processing. In these areas, he has received international funding for collaborative work with University of California (Santa Barbara), Texas AM University, and Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology (Milan); and in the period august/2014 to may/2015, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Biomedical Engineering Department of Texas AM University. His research products have been cited more than 1,100 (h-index: 18) and 1,600 times (h-index: 20) according to Web of Science and SCOPUS, respectively.  Dr. Campos Delgado has been advisor or co-advisor of 27 bachelor thesis projects, 22 Master thesis works, and 8 Doctoral dissertations.  He is currently a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC), and a Senior Member in the IEEE. In 2001, the College of Engineering of LSU granted him the “Exemplary Dissertation Award”, and in 2009 and 2013, he received awards as a Young Researcher from UASLP and AMC. From July/2016 to June/2020, Dr. Campos Delgado was the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences in UASLP.  Since May/2019, he is an associate editor for IEEE Latin America Transactions (ISSN: 1548-0992), and since October/2018, he is also a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet. Dr. Campos-Delgado has been reviewer for many journals from IEEE, IET, OSA and American Mathematical Society; and he was recently selected as a member of the bank of experts from Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain). In June/2020, he joined the Board of Communication Theory in Frontiers in Communications and Networks as an Associate Editor.

Carlos A. Gutierrez, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi

Carlos A. Gutiérrez recibió el título de doctor en filosofía en sistemas de comunicaciones móviles por la Universidad de Agder (UiA), Noruega, en el 2009. De 2009 a 2011 se desempeñó como profesor-investigador de tiempo completo en el área de electrónica de la Escuela de Ingeniería de la Universidad Panamericana Campus Bonaterra. En 2012 se incorporó a la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, ocupando un puesto de profesor-investigador de telecomunicaciones. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen temas relacionados con el modelado y simulación de canal para sistemas de comunicaciones móviles y el diseño de transceptores de radio frecuencia basados en esquemas de múltiples antenas y múltiples portadoras. El Dr. Gutiérrez ha servido como Editor Asociado de la revista IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Editor Académico de la revista Mobile Information Systems y como Editor Invitado de las revistas Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Modelling and Simulation in Enginering, Procedia Technology, y Research in Computing Science, así como miembro del comité organizador de varias conferencias internacionales. 

Oscar Caicedo, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

Oscar Caicedo es profesor titular de la Universidad del Cauca (UNICAUCA), Colombia. Posee un título de doctorado en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil (2015). El profesor Caicedo actualmente participa como editor asociado en IEEE Communications Magazine, editor invitado en IEEE LATAMT e Wiley IJNM, y revisor en revistas de renombre internacional como IEEE TNSM, IEEE Access, Springer JONS, Springer JISA, Wiley IJCS, Elsevier Computer Networks, y Elsevier Computer Communications. Además ha sido TPC co-chair de IEEE Latincom, miembro del TPC de importantes eventos internacionales como CloudNet, EuCNC, Latincom, y NetSoft, y servirá como TPC co-chair en GLOBECOM 2022. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen la gestión de redes y servicios, el aprendizaje automático y su aplicabilidad en redes de comunicación, redes 5G y futuras, la virtualización de funciones de red, y las redes programables.


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Campos Delgado, D. U., Gutierrez, C. A., & Caicedo, O. (2021). 5G and Beyond: Past, Present and Future of the Mobile Communications. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 19(10), 1702–1736. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/5180



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