Mobiloscope: A Technological Solution for Early Mastitis Detection in Dairy Cattle
Mastitis detection, Articial Intelligence, Fluorescence microscopyAbstract
One of the most critical challenges in dairy farms is the Mastistis condition causing economic losses associated with milk production reduction and veterinary treatment expenses. Although it exists different methodologies for diagnosing animals with mastitis, these tests are usually indirect; others require laboratory analysis taking a lot of time to obtain the result, limiting its viability and monitoring in the field. To solve this problem, we propose a Mobiloscope, which is a portable, practical, effective, and low-cost diagnostic system for sub-clinical mastitis. Hence, this device provides an early detection in-situ and at a low cost to cover farmers' unsatisfied demand for having innovative tools that allow them to carry out better sub-clinical mastitis early detection. Our system comprises four components: (i) the holder for the electronic device and the screen to display the graphic interface; (ii) a part where the battery for the micro-computer will be housed; (iii) a dedicated part for the microscope and sample holder; and (iv) a holder for the light source. Despite the need to validate the prototype for commercial purposes, our prototype is able to estimate the number of somatic cells. Therefore, our mobiloscope could help the farmers to make an in-situ analysis of milk quality at a low-cost.
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