Co-simulation of a Doubly Fed Induction Generation Connected to an Electric Power Network
Co-simulation, Electromagnetic transients, Transient stability, Distributed generation penetrationAbstract
This work presents a hybrid simulation tool that combines fast analysis of quasi-static time series or transient stability programs and electromagnetic transients ones to evaluate the dynamic behavior of electric power systems with distributed generation sources. The interaction between the two programs is performed by controllable current and voltage sources, which are used to interface external and detailed systems. The double second order generalized integrator (DSOGI) is used to extract the positive-sequence phasor to transfer information between the environments. A local network server controls the data communication between the two simulation environments by means of the TCP/IP protocol. In the present paper, the proposed tool is used to simulate the integration of a wind power plant, based on a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), into a 29-bus electrical network. Results and computational timings are then compared with the ones obtained with an electromagnetic transients program, demonstrating the accuracy and speed of the proposed strategy.