Multicriteria Decision-Making System for Supplier Selection Considering Risk: A Computational Fuzzy AHP-Based Approach
Multicriteria decision-making , Supplier selection, Matlab programming , Fuzzy AHPAbstract
In the latest years, supply chain academics and practitioners have been increasingly concerned with the supplier selection problem. In this paper, a computational system based on 'Fuzzy Extended Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP)' was developed for supplier selection considering risks. Specifically, we aimed to assess the use of the Fuzzy AHP method in supplier selection and to analyze the support of the proposed system to supplier selection considering risks through a practical application in the Brazilian oil industry. For this, the main criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives for supplier selection were identified and comparatively assessed by expert managers from the focal company. Through the Fuzzy AHP computational approach the priority weights of each item were calculated. After computing the final score for each supply alternative, supplier
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