Mapping the Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Performance Measurement Systems
Bibliometric Analisys, Industry 4.0, Performance Measurement Systems, Performance Measures, Scientific Mapping, Supply Chain ManagementAbstract
Industry 4.0 technologies have the potential to enhance performance measurement systems dramatically. Although there are many reviews on Industry 4.0, there are none with attention on the interplay between Industry 4.0 and performance measurement systems. Thus, this article presents a scientific map on Industry 4.0 impacts on performance measurement systems. We applied bibliometric analysis and content analysis in a sample of 325 documents gathered from the Web of Science scientific index. R Bibliometrix package and VOSviewer software supported the data processing and analysis. The major results point out that scientific production has been rising since 2015, but it still is in the initial maturity stage without a few top productive authors and with high productivity of technological areas compared to business administration and operations management areas. This latest evidence calls attention to more research on how to use Industry 4.0 technologies in management systems. The results disclose positive impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies on performance measurement systems. The significant trend is the development of intelligent systems that provide adequate information for decision-making in real time with an extension to the entire supply chain. However, this green field calls for an interdisciplinary research effort from technological and management domains to apprehend the proper value to all stakeholders.
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