Fuzzy-Control-Chart Methodology for Assessing Specification Compliance in Cervical Cytology Sampling
Cervical Cancer, Cytology Sampling, Fuzzy Specification Compliance, p-Fuzzy Control ChartAbstract
Fuzzy control charts allow expanding and improving analysis of processes in the medical sampling. In cervical cytology sampling it is necessary to consider the process uncertainty, including analysis of imprecise data. This article proposes a methodology for assessing specification compliance of medical sampling using p-fuzzy control charts, which allow considering data inaccuracy, unlike the traditional control charts. This methodology is carried out on four steps: (i) Definition of variable and fuzzy specification limit, (ii) Fuzzification of the process data, (iii) Design of rules for fuzzy specification compliance, and (iv) Determination of fuzzy specification compliance. The p-fuzzy control chart was applied for assessing results of cervical cytology sampling and it allowed to adequately identify specification compliance and warnings of non-compliance. Future work is integration of this methodology with other inference systems that allow quality improvement in the medical sampling area
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